
20 days. Today it’s been 20 days since we changed our habits, like it or not.

Although our global experience is 20 years, on the other side of the ocean we have completed our 20 months. Our struggle to change, adapt, modernize and create habits was updated in a 20-minute speech by our president.

For a while, we were putting all new commercial plans for 2020 into practice, even moving towards new recruits. And halfway through our planning, Spain came to a standstill. For an instant, we thought we were stopping.

20 days of doubts, uncertainties, confusion and even fear of the direction of life, health and the economy, however, 20 new days in which we remember that any negative scenario, if planned, thought and done well, will come out well after the storm has passed.

Plan, rethink the difficulties that will face our customers, defaulters and TCM partners around the world, whether personal or professional. Think even more about our employees, about us. Everything changed, but we reacted.

As our colleague Pierre from TCM UK said, “we are back to being an ‘all’.” Exactly, doing a little of everything, with the energy of a 20 year old boy and the maturity of someone 20 years older.

Here in Spain nothing but the functions essential services can work and for at least another 20 days, they will not work.

But we do! Readapting speeches and approaches, creating strategies and improvements, making ourselves available to help in the best way, understand, negotiate and renegotiate with defaulters, new standards, new emails, updates, plans. Actions that bring a little more history and reason.

We want to leave our homes! We want more than the supermarket and the pharmacy! We want hugs, celebrations, going to the park, the company, just going into the street, and also recovering credit. Although fantastic, we deserve more than the 20 minutes of applause and music at “20 hours” every day (our breath of human warmth).

 But this is no longer a question of what we want for ourselves, but thinking of the collective, of society… a desire that strengthens and magnifies us, so that “our today” is the new part of our legacy.

20 days today … and at least another 20 days … is what we will probably have ahead of us.

And a market that will expect attitudes and actions from us to also calm down and recover, without pressure. So, pause, start over and reconnect, be here and be part of that evolution, in which I and the entire Way Back Spain team have already endeavored, so that these difficult days become part of yet another success story Way Back | TCM Spain, and mainly from our own stories.

We will be our No win, No fee from our new contracts to our new days.

 Un día más… es un día menos. ¡Resistiremos, 2020!

(One more day … is one less day. We will resist, 2020!)

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